Der tapfere Schulschwänzer
Original title: Der tapfere Schulschwänzer
Child movie – GDR
Production year: 1967
Movie length: 66 minutes
Director: Winfried Junge
Writer: Winfried Junge, Claus Küchenmeister, Wera Küchenmeister, Anne Pfeuffer
Cinematograph: Claus Neumann
Music: Peter Gotthardt
Der tapfere Schulschwänzer
Movie description:
Original-Blu-Ray Thomas, a schoolboy from grade 4a, ditches school on a sunny day and spends his time in the streets of Berlin. Then, he suddenly discovers a burning flat and immediately calls the fire brigade. His quick help helps to save the lives of two children. But when a fire-fighter wants to thank him and asks for his name, Thomas runs away – he has a guilty conscience for ditching school. On the next day, his good deed is praised in the newspaper and his teacher talks about the anonymous lifesaver in class. Thomas does not know how to react, because he said that he missed school because of a tooth ache. But in the end, Thomas admits his lie to the fire-fighters, who in the meantime have detected the lifesaver.
Boy Actors
André Kallenbach
(Thomas Lohmann, 9 years old)
Hartmut Tietz
(Dieter, der Spatzenschreck)
Armin Schnelle
Ingo Kallenbach
(Thomas’ Bruder)
Michael Grimm
More informations
This film was registered by Franz-Josef into the movie list!
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